I would like to start by wishing you all a very Happy New Year from the team at Bates Green Garden. Here we are, a jolly bunch with very full tummies after our festive feast in December. Absentees included our new WRAGS student, Emma Tee and our Bates Green Garden Café supremo Anu, both of whom had succumbed to winter bugs. |
We have a new volunteer in the Garden. Alison is a horticultural student who is taking City & Guilds level 3 at Plumpton College. She has been working with us for a month now and we cannot imagine life without her. Here is Alison tackling the ivy that is rampaging up some of our more mature trees. |
This month, we will be pruning away, one of my favourite tasks. We start with the coppicing of the hazel shrubs along Hazel Walk. This was planted by Carolyn in 2000 to mark the Millenium and we use all the cuttings to make supports and structures around the Garden in the summer months. Meticulous leaf picking from the winter and spring borders keeps us busy. This is so worthwhile especially as one finds many slugs this way. We are keeping a good lookout for the beneficial Leopard Slug which I will photograph for you once we have found one! Sweet pea seeds will be sown soon, this gives us the chance to start dreaming about summer fragrance floating on a gentle breeze. |
We hope very much that 2024 will be a year of Peace for everyone. |
Emma Reece - Head Gardener
This message was added on Wednesday 17th January 2024
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