Update 10th May 2019


Update 10th May 2019


This cold weather has suited our bluebells well, even though at the front of Beatons Wood, which catches the sun, bluebells are fading and starting to set seed.

 Bluebells still looking good

Yesterday I walked round parts of the White Walk and what a contrast!  It faces north and the bluebells are still so blue and looking their best.  I was delighted as they look as if they will last until we close on Sunday 19th May, unless of course the high temperatures we experienced at Easter return!  

 Bluebells at their best

Further along, the "Fish Pond", which was cleaned out last year, is now looking well established and adds greatly to the interest of the White Walk.

 The Fish Pond

In the late 1940’s my father sold 100 of the largest oak trees in Beatons Wood, as I understand it to raise money after the end of the 2nd World War.  Regrettably this means we now have none like this aged specimen on our neighbours land. 

 Ancient oak

Trees like this have great character and I am intrigued as to what sights and scenes they have experienced in their long life!


My last Report on the bluebells for 2019 will appear on our website on Friday 17th May.

John McCutchan

This message was added on Friday 10th May 2019

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