What a fantastic start to this year’s Bluebell Walk, with plenty of sun, very dry underfoot, so different from last year when the car park field had to be closed before it became too muddy! Beatons Wood is looking amazing with the wood anemones creating a white carpet as far as the eye can see, whilst here and there the first bluebells are appearing. In the sun trapped areas I estimate there must be 10-15% of the bluebells blooming.
We have been fortunate that a BBC film crew were here all day, to produce footage for last night’s South East Regional News. They featured scenes from the wood with short interviews with visitors, my daughter Philippa and myself. They mentioned that this year is quite special, as we are celebrating quite a milestone by having passed £1,000,000 raised for the 74 charities since 1972, when we first opened.
The weather is such an important factor in how quickly the buds of our English bluebells open and flower. The current forecast is that for the next few days it will continue cold but dry, which slows the emergence of the bluebells. I am often asked when they will appear in their full glory, but as I have no control over the daytime temperatures, I just don’t know! So read my report next Friday 17th when I record what has happened over the past seven days and try to anticipate what might happen over the Easter Holiday.
John McCutchan
This message was added on Friday 12th April 2019
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