Second weekly report on how nature is influencing the bluebells in Beatons Wood
A very difficult start to this year’s Arlington Bluebell Walk, as the weather has been dull, dank and often wet on the days we have been open in the past week, except Wednesday when surprise surprise we had sunshine all day! Heavy rain on Sunday night has meant we have had to keep the Car Park field closed, with parking on the wide road verge that has over the years accumulated a good surface from the large amount of road stone we have spread on wet years! Our neighbour has not been able to turn any of his cows out into the fields as they are still too wet. It does mean that those visitors who want to walk along the Farm Trails are advised to wear suitable footwear, as some in places are currently very muddy. The Blue Walk round the Bluebell Wood is not affected by this wet weather, so quite suitable for shoes and of course our mobility scooters.
I apologise for the very poor quality of these two pictures, as I was more concerned in trying to ensure they were taken in exactly the same place as last week, than checking the quality of each image. I aim to do better next week!
The white wood anemones look amazing, but when walking round one is able to see the first bluebells appearing. My online forecast predicts a sunny and warm week, which means bluebells will rapidly appear.
The next report will be published on Friday 20th April.
John McCutchan
This message was added on Friday 13th April 2018
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